The disadvantage is that the relatively small area is full of enemies.
The advantage of fighting the Shade before opening the door is that it confines him to a relatively small area.
The area around the Lower Garrison bonfire is closed off until you find and pull a lever to open up the massive doors leading to the next area. There are two ways to approach the fight with the Shade, and they hinge on a door. If you pull it while he's tagging along, he'll reveal his true nature as he backstabs you. Down a hallway and out a door, you'll find a lever.
He'll waive to you, and he'll follow you around, but that's just a ploy. Climb the steps, and you'll see a Shade carrying a lance and a greatshield. Exit the room with the bonfire, turn left and clear the area of Witchtrees and the Frozen Porcupine hiding in the alcove behind the chest.Įnter the doorway to the building just over the bridge.